EnterpriseBargaining.com.au is your website for specialist enterprise bargaining excellence. We are devoted to helping employers with their enterprise bargaining requirements.
We have an extremely capable team of experienced specialist consultants who are familiar with the Australian industrial relations system. Our reputation is unparalleled for helping our clients with their bargaining strategy, tactics, knowledge knowledge and skills.
So Why Choose Us?
- We are passionate experts
- We have a proven record of success
- We provide excellent client value
- We help you achieve your best commercial outcome, consistent with your workplace and employee needs.
Our Values
- integrity, customer focus, mutual reputation
- teamwork, excellence, accountability
- finding creative solutions, practical, commercial
- big picture and detailed
We have negotiated and had approved literally hundreds of agreements over more than 20 years.
We are backed by a leading provider of employee relations services to employers, Employee Relations Expertise. Our consultants have 25+ years of IR and HR experience and are highly experienced in all aspects of enterprise bargaining.
Check out our Success Stories page for a brief look at where we have worked and some of what we have achieved.
"Always great insights given by Fred - expanded my thinking & knowledge about EBAs and beyond."
- HR Director, Nando's Australia